Katherine McPhee, of TV’s “American Idol” and “Smash,” plays an aspiring country singer, Bailey, who’s suffered career and personal setbacks in the Netflix series “Country Comfort,” debuting Friday. The It Ain’t Over Til It’s Over artist wished the Aquaman star a happy birthday on August 1, 2022.
Loretta Lynn’s new album is a celebration of women in country music and it features collaborations with Tanya Tucker, Carrie Underwood, Reba McEntire and Margo Price. Lenny Kravitz gave well wishes to Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa amid their divorce. MOVIES- Four years after “Justice League” underwhelmed both critics and audiences, filmmaker Zack Snyder has come back to finish what he started. (Netflix/HBO Max/Netflix via AP)Here’s a collection curated by The Associated Press’ entertainment journalists of what’s arriving on TV, streaming services and music platforms this week. This combination of photos shows promotional art for the Netflix series Country Comfort, debuting on Friday, left, 'Zack Snyders Justice League,' premiering March 18, center, and Operation Varsity Blues, a documentary about the college admissions scandal, premiering March 17 on Netflix. New this week: 'Justice League,' 'Country Comfort' & scandal